Agile methodology has transformed how businesses and teams approach project management, especially in software development. Rooted in flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement, Agile has become a key driver for delivering better outcomes in dynamic environments. In a recent episode of the LivByte Podcast, Danielle Dolloff, EVP of sales and marketing, and Jerry Quintana, Business Analyst/Scrum Master […]
WEBINAR: B2B eCommerce Q&A Webinar
Learn how shape your B2B eCommerce strategy to help to drive new leads and increase website conversions. Watch the webinar above to hear from Tim Dolloff, EVP of Client Relations at Liventus, as he shares B2B eCommerce best practices to help boost your business. Expand to an Emerging Market The Global B2B market is $12.2 […]
EVP Of Client Relations at Liventus Featured on JetRails Podcast
EVP of Client Relations at Liventus, Tim Doloff, was featured on JetRails Podcast. Tune in to learn the in’s and out’s of project planning, development standards, and long-term maintenance of custom-designed websites and applications.