Our Approach to the Development Process
We deliver custom software through an iterative + incremental development process.

Making the Agile process work for YOU
We achieve continuous delivery of working software by collaborating in 1 to 4 week sprints made up of planning, designing, constructing, testing, and delivering.
Consistent Meetings
We work together consistently.
Sharing Feedback
Communication is key in order to meet your expectations.
Knowing your needs are going to change
We allow for continuous change throughout the project.

Agile using SCRUM
A closer look into each sprint
Before getting into sprints we start with a preliminary analysis where we will learn the objective and overall goal of the project. Moving forward we go into the discovery phase in order to understand the brand better and provide strategic insights into delivering the best application possible. Then we begin the requirements analysis to define and document system requirements.

Plan to define and document system requirements. Get as detailed as necessary in order to begin design.

Outline prototypes for each element of the application and lay out functionality logic.

We begin programming in teams managed by project managers and team leads. Code is reviewed and goes through unit testing.

Integration and functional testing of requirements.

Working software is delivered to you.

Receive feedback from you and stakeholders and gather information on how to improve for the next sprint.

Advantages of an Agile Model
Our customers are part of the process and are able to provide continuous feedback throughout the development process.
The Agile Model allows us to collaborate and evaluate the product, resulting in a higher quality deliverable for stakeholders.
Our methodology gives insights throughout the development process, allowing for changes to be made in real time.

We believe in keeping our clients in the loop every step of the way to ensure projects are done right and on time.
Risk Mitigation
By keeping developers, business practitioners, and stakeholders all closely tied to our work, the risk of errors is greatly reduced.
Our workflow keeps everyone involved in the project on task and focused on delivering a high-quality product efficiently.
Liventus Has a Wide Variety of Tech Expertise